Monday, March 15, 2010


Okay so at my work we have police officers from the city of Elyria come in and do extra hours as security, for extra pay. Just found out one of our officers died from a gunshot wound. He was doing a routine check for a warrant and shots got fired. The suspect is dead and now the office is as well. He died when they arrived at the hospital. He was one of those guys who would joke around with you, told you about his family and everything.

RIP Officer Jim Kerstetter

RIP Ralph Spears - Campers Club

It always comes in threes

Saturday, March 13, 2010


I have never been the girlie-girl type. Growing up I loved being outside and playing sports. Getting dirt looking for worms and stuff. Complete opposite of my sister. So today I figured what the hell, I painted my nails. Bought purple polish yesterday and I probably did a crappy job for my first time since I never cared about this stuff not even when I was in high school.